
Basic Instructions

  1. Fork and clone the repository.
  2. Setup your python environment using virtualenv or you can use our docker-compose.yml if you are familiar with docker-compose.
  3. Code!
  4. Run the tests via python test or via docker-compose using make test command.
  5. Write tests for the changes you made, coverage must be above 95%.
  6. Write browser tests if suitable, test via pytest tests/ or via make test-browser command (These tests are not executed on Travis CI, so they need to be tested before committing and pushing).
  7. Check if your new code follow standards Code standards.
  8. Commit, push and open a new Pull Request.

Code standards

We follow PEP8 as much as possible except for max-line-length = 99 and we recommend the linters:

  • flake8
  • flake8-quotes plugin


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.